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 Founded in 2012,  was originally known as Top Bairns Crafts.  Later in 2014 Sam eventually gave in to her young clients, who insisted on calling her Dreamcatcher Lady and has never looked back.

Dreamcatcher Lady is based near Loch Lomond, Scotland.


Sam is a Dreamcatcher Weaver, she learned weaving as a child, was taught by her step father, who also encouraged her art and crafts.  The business was started by accident, after a neighbour had asked her to weave a Dreamcatcher and due to social media and word of mouth Sam became busy weaving Dreamcatchers for kids, adults and businesses.  Over the years Sam has now lost count, how many Dreamcatchers she has weaved.  Many have been custom made designs, unusual, boho, gothic, pagan, comic con, floral, memorial, protection, love, weddings, birthdays and many many more.  So many have also ended up in various countries around the world.  One thing each Dreamcatcher has in common is each one has its own special story of why its to be weaved.



 Sam loves assisting local community groups with arts and crafts, offering the ideal setting for people to come together, interact and support each other.  Whilst creating a calm, safe environment.  Allowing everyone to enjoy a cuppa, have a laugh and forget those stresses and worries for a couple of hours.


If you know of a group within West Dunbartonshire and Lomond area who would like this type of group, then send us an email and someone will get back to you.



Not just a Dreamcatcher Weaver, Crafter and Artist, Sam is also qualified and experienced in the following Therapies and Services.  These can be brought to your group or workplace, just email us and someone will get back to you.



Dreamcatcher Weaver




Colour Therapy

Dream Therapy


Meditation and Mindfulness Coach

Natural Uplift Facial Massage

Hopi Ear Candles


For further queries please feel free to contact me...

WHATSAPP: - 07534889603



Slainte x


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